Welcome To Our Campus
Divine Public School incepted modestly in November 1986, today stands tall with its multidimensional features. To me, education is endeavouring to develop confident, self dependent, morally upright individuals, fully prepared to face the multifarious challenges. Also, I expect every student of mine would be, good tempered, truthful, modest and enduring.
The school is affiliated to CBSE,New Delhi under affiliation No.530138 upto class 12th since 1990, with non-medical, medical and commerce streams.
Educational Goal
To prepare the students not only for examinations but to tread on life’s difficult path, armed with the power of knowledge & self-confidence.
Our School Our Pride
The school was founded in the year 1986 under the guidance of educationists Sh. S.S. Gusain(M.S.c. Phy. Gold Medalist) and Smt. Vinod Gusain.

Principal's Desk
Divine Public School incepted modestly in Nov.,1986, today stands tall with its multidimensional features. To me ,education is endeavouring to develop confident, self dependent, morally upright individuals, fully prepared to face the multifacrious challenges. Also, I expect every student of mine would be, good tempered,truthful, modest, enduring, generous, sincere, perservering, courteous, respectful, obedient, knowledgeable and sound. Academic excellence of Divine Public School manifests itself every year with a remarkable contribution in Engineering & Medical colleges. Every year, Divineas join M.B.B.S & B.D.S through medical entrance tests and a large students of non meidcial group, join various prestigious Engineering Colleges through A.I.E.E.E.,I.I.T.,JEE. Our alumni as, engineers, Doctors, Defence Officers, Chartered Accountants, Business Enterpreneurs, Advocates,Executives are doing the school proud .All these achievements do not make us complacent but inspire us to strive relentlessly to take the school to still greater heights. I wish, our strudents are evolved into thinking individuals who can take right decisions in life and MAKE A POSITIVE IMPACT. To fulfill expected desires, we at the threshold of career making point, need a modest effort in taking initative to impart quality education in an innovative and graded manner. I am sure, my students, staff and parents would join hands and attain the heights, they are aiming at.
Success Stories
upto 10+2
Happy Students
Years Experience
Your Future Starts Here.
A community of lifelong learners, responsible global citizens, and champions of our own success.